Rest day Dauphin Island AL

 Saturday April 23rd

View of the beach from our 3rd floor Condo.  I can see 8 oil rigs not that far off the beach, have no idea if they are currently active.  Yesterday there were two helicopters hovering right above the water for over 1/2 hour.  Could see the water spray under them.  Perhaps they were Military/Coast Guard doing practice rescues.   Too far away to make out any markings, but seemed odd at 5:30 PM on a Friday. 

Two Great Blue Herons this morning looking for breakfast in one of our two pools. On another topic, yesterday just after we crossed into Alabama, the first 4-5 homes all had multiple dogs waiting to run out into the road and give us the welcoming greeting.  Fred was just in front of me and was nearly caught by one of them.  She said the owner was standing in her driveway and appeared to be encouraging the dog to catch a biker.  I was attacked a minute later by a large mutt dragging an 8’ leash.  Got out my water bottle and had a perfect score = a blast of water in the face.   Usually stops them in their tracks and it worked perfectly on this critter.  

The condos have washers and dryers.  Got a chance to wash our reflective vests which we cannot get washed easily as we have to wear when riding. Walked around the local area, out to the beach, and now just found out our caterer cannot get in here to prepare our dinner so its back to the local restaurant for dinner.  Long ride tomorrow that doesn't start until we get off the ferry to the mainland around 9 AM.  


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