Mamou LA to St Francisville LA

Easter Sunday April 17th

Camp site at Girl Scout Camp, St Francisville LA

The Mississippi River

The weather forecast for today is just the same as it has been for the past several days.  40-50% chance of showers and thundershowers in the afternoon.  But as we started out it was just quiet and overcast. Traffic was as expected on an Easter morning, not much happening other than the occasional smell of barbecue/smokers preparing for Easter Dinner.  A long ride today 90+ miles and we were released to ride at 7 AM.  The morning went quickly, very few stops or breaks.  I rode much of the day with Brian, a similarly paced rider and Lawyer who still has a day job and manages to get in a few billing hours daily after we reach our destination. We crossed the Atchafalaya River around mid morning.   A few dogs were interested in giving chase but never caught us. Lunch was a PB & J sandwich that I made at breakfast and stuffed in my jersey pocket. We didn't expect any restaurants to be open today and weren't disappointed.  But you cannot ride 90 without eating more than potato chips and other junk food. There is a definite boost in energy shortly after eating. After lunch we saw the tall bridge over the Mississippi. It wasn't as high as I had remembered from our river trip past here in 2019. And of course as luck would have it, there weren't any barges or boats in sight.  The river had flooded over the bank on the West side.  We have been extremely fortunate avoiding the rains of the past 3-4 days.  At this point we were approaching 80 miles, it was nearly 1PM and the sun was breaking through bringing the temp up to 86 humid steamy degrees. About 7-8 miles from our finish we stopped and had large chocolate shakes at a Sonic drive/bike in restaurant.  They went down quickly but never hit the bottom of my stomach, sort of like the 5 pieces of pizza the night before which followed the crawfish boil with potatoes and corn on the cob. Back on the bikes to the finish.  Brian and I still managed to come in not too long after the “A” team despite stopping for the shakes.  We are staying on a Girl Scout Camp property which is quite substantial including a barn, corral etc and 20 friendly horses. We have limited access so will be sleeping in our favorite tents. But the countdown has started, only 8 more nights spent in tents. And once again, not a drop of rain.  All in all today it was a pretty enjoyable 93 miles, average speed of 14.5, climbed 1,143 feet and burned a mere 2,710 calories which were probably all replenished by consuming the 1/2 gallon sized milkshakes. 


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