Navasota TX to Shepherd TX

 Wednesday April 13th

Last nights forecast was for high odds today of rain, thunder, wind etc.  This was our first train delay.  Its a 90 mile day and most of us hit the road right at 7:30 AM. Extreme overcast, but no rain, normal Texas wind hitting us from all directions. 

Finally a photo of me in action.  We were riding thru the Sam Houston National Forest.  I was packed for a rain event, good insurance because all we had was some light drizzle for the last 12-15 miles. 

Shepherd Sanctuary in Shepherd TX.  An eclectic hodge podge of a facility.  A few private rooms were given out to the April Birthday Coasters, whom all turned out to be “couples” on the ride.  The rest of us in tents, ok, it was a calm pleasant night, low in the 50’s.  

I befriended one of the permanent residents at the “Sanctuary”  Todays ride stats 89 miles, 14.2 average speed, 3,010 feet of climbing and I burned 3,106 calories.  A nice ride, even considering the length.  On a long ride such as this I stopped mid morning for a smoothie and an awesome orange muffin thing, later around noon a grilled ham and cheese sandwich and a chocolate milkshake.   Food does a remarkable job restoring your energy and attitude!   


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