Navasota TX Rest Day

 Tuesday April 12th

Not much to do at this campsite   Jim, relaxing after dinner outside his tent  

Today is a rest day at a less than desirable Camping location.  But sometimes there are no other options.  For some reason, perhaps weak cellular, photos are not coming down out of the cloud at the moment.  The only activities offered at this campground besides sulphur water consumption, are kayaking if you want to drag, carry, haul a boat to the rivers edge or a homemade teeter-totter is available   Neither were used by our group.  And we are visited by mosquitos, lots of them, the first “camp bugs” of the trip. Today a few small groups went to College Station, home of Texas A&M.   The rest of us cleaned and lubricated our bikes, in preparation for tomorrows 89 mile ride.   The weather forecast doesn't look promising for tomorrow but we can always hope the Weatherman is wrong.


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