Tombstone to Douglas AZ

 Wednesday March 23rd

Leaving Tombstone this morning.  This was where our 2020 C2C Covid ride was cancelled, so all new territory going forward. No gunfights, all was quiet at 7:30. 
At one time apparently this was thought to be the Continental Divide. (It really will be somewheres in New Mexico). However the altitude is correct at 6030 feet, my Garmin was thinking 6097. 
It was a significant climb regardless to get to this, I believe the highest elevation that we will encounter on this trip. 

The famous Lavender Pit copper mine in Bisbee

The also famous Gadsden Hotel in Douglas Arizona. We are all staying here tonight. A monumental upgrade from last nights tenting. 

I wasn't meant to be a blogger. Can't seem to get the photo arrangements in order.  Cellular service on much of trip continues to be weak and forget about hotel/campsite wi fi. Our room and a few interior shots of the hotel. We are dining in the main lobby tonight.  Todays distance was 50.4 miles, 2,348 feet of climbing at an average speed of 12 mph.  Calories burned were 2218. Tomorrow its off to New Mexico. 


  1. You are a great blogger....don't downgrade yourself. With all the biking you are doing it is amazing you can get out the extensive blogs mostly with Pics. Your biking is amazing!. Cannot get over all the climbs and distances you are going so many days. Not to mention staying in tents and what goes along with that. Take care! We are enjoying it all vicariously through you....definitely the only way I will see the sights you have seen! Be safe!


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