Ft Hancock TX to Van Horn TX

 Tuesday March 30th

Shortly after lights out last night we could hear raindrops on our tents. Rain hasn't been in any forecasts, but apparently it didn't amount to anything other than adding to the angst of todays forecasted high winds. The projection was wind starting around 10 AM with average speeds in the 30’s and gusting as high as 50-60 mph by mid afternoon. It wouldn't be an exact tailwind as it was shifting throughout the day and so was our route. We got to leave at sun up to complete as much of the ride before noon in hopes of avoiding scary cross winds through the mountain passes on I-10.  

There always is a way to get through these intimidating hills/mountains without having killer inclines.  We are on a frontage road here for I-10. But also had to ride two separate sections of I-10, about 5-8 miles each. Our final approach to Van Horn was a nice downhill on the shoulder of the highway.  At this time the winds were getting pretty serious and there were some challenging moments when crosswinds would push us around on the shoulder as the big rigs passed on their way into Van Horn. 

This is a Talc Mine.  There are at least three Talc mines in Texas.  I didn't see any signs of life at this one. 

There were always mountains in sight while biking through Arizona, New Mexico and so far also in Texas
So as we started down the final hill into Van Horn we could see sandstorms blowing thru the valley. Certainly not a welcome sight for tent camping tonight. The dust at times was nearly blocking out our view of Van Horn, we were probably still 750-1,000’ above the community. As we got closer we could see ok to bike, but the main street in town appeared deserted.  Made it to our campsite and the wolf pack were futilely trying to set up our tents. At that moment, my plan was to get a hotel room.  The winds are not expected to die off tonight, but continue through tomorrow. You cannot get quality sleep in a tent that is constantly being hammered by wind and sand.  Fortunately our trip leader was already securing rooms for us in town.  We are now scattered around three different hotels.  The lack of available rooms is due to the fact that Jeff Bezos’s Rocket launch company is nearby and they had a scheduled launch for today.  Delayed of course, and not likely to launch tomorrow either.  Keeps the hotels full for several days and judging by the closed businesses and storefronts they can use the $$$$.  

Its hard to capture a dust storm but this is the view from our hotel room.  So nice to be safe and dirt free inside our hotel room tonight. Todays ride was 74.3 miles, covered at an average speed of 14.9 mph, total ascent 1,921 feet and 2,700 calories burned. I would guess that my mid afternoon visit to McDonalds for a large chocolate shake and quarter pounder probably took care of the calorie deficit.  Dinner was provided by our caterer at the hotel with the largest number of “Coasters”. Tomorrow its off to Marfa, with an awesome tailwind or ?


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