El Paso to Ft Hancock TX

 Monday March 28th

This morning we had to bike through downtown El Paso and its environs for almost 20 miles until we were back in the farmlands.  Traffic was picking up already at 7:30 AM, and our instructions required a lot of maneuvering with many turns. We were a group of 10 so at least we had visibility and the vehicles were courteous or maybe afraid of us?  

Young pecan trees after leaving El Paso. The pecan is the state tree of Texas, and there were miles of pecan groves.  

We are staying in Ft Hancock tonight, our tents surrounding this little church.  Unfortunately no showers here so we rented 3 rooms at a local motel and shuttled back and forth for the opportunity to shower. 

The inside of our church. 

The after ride chill out zone. We have learned to appreciate the daily after ride relaxation, especially my daily beer allowance.         

Our caterer who follows along on the trip.  She caters exclusively to bike trippers.  Excellent food, such as Gazpacho today for our 4 PM snack.  Today was a good day to ride.  Temperature in high 50’s when we left hotel, ending up in mid eighties at 1 PM when we arrived at our stop for tonight.  Ate lunch at 10:30 this morning, not a lot of options along the way. A pizza and 32 oz Dr Pepper went down easy and kept me energized for the remaining 25 ish miles.  The ride was extremely flat and straight, 61.2 miles at an average speed of 15.3 mph. 592 feet of climbing and I burned 2,052 calories.  Tomorrow is forecast to be very windy, lets see how that turns out. 


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