East Tucson to Tombstone AZ

 Tuesday March 22nd

A very pleasant sleeping night in Tucson.  When we have an indoor night, be it a hotel or “school gymnasium” it is a lot easier to pack up and get moving in the morning.  Tent camping is a lot more work, just getting out of a warm sleeping bag at 5:30 in the morning, coffee at 6 AM, back to the tent to pack up, then breakfast outdoors in 40 degree temps at 7 AM, back to the tent to wrap up and be ready to ride by 7:30.  Most people in our group are anxious to get going as early in the morning as our leader allows.  I subscribe to that plan, wanting to get as much of the daily rides accomplished before noon each day. 

We didnt have far to go this morning before starting the climb from Tucson towards Sonoita and ultimately Tombstone. 

We are heading toward the snow capped Santa Rita Mtns, but will turn East long before passing by them to the East. Tucson is at an elevation of about 2,400’ and at the 30 mile mark we hit our highest elevation for the day just over 5,000’. It was a pleasant sunny cool morning so not bad for our route. 

Typical scenery for today. We turned right before hitting those mountains in the distance.  

Giant strange something or other parked outside Tombstone.  There was a tractor at both ends, pushing and pulling. 
My tenting site in Tombstone. A very basic RV campground.  But it worked for one night. 
Entering Tombstone, not very much traffic around town. All in all it was a good 76.6 miles, 4,538 feet of climbing and an average speed of 13.3. Burned 3,438 calories, gotta keep eating!


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