Columbus NM to El Paso TX

 Sunday March 27th

Today we have a 73 mile day and cross into Texas.  It was 46 degrees while eating breakfast, but as the sun comes up so does the temperature climb very quickly.  I started off wearing wind breaker jacket, long finger gloves, ear warmers and tights. At the first Sag stop in 20 miles, all extra clothing went into the empty bin to be collected at the end of todays ride. The temperature was probably already into the 70’s.  No photos today. Scenery was a continuation of prior days.  My goal on riding days is to try for 50 miles before noon.  Then the remaining daily miles are easier to knock off.  Texas didn't even have a welcome sign.  Probably only on the Interstates or main roads. We were on the same road for over 55 miles, pretty simple to keep on track. 

Added this picture from Columbus to bulk up the blog for today.  So todays ride was 73 miles at an average speed of 14.9 mph with only 842 feet of climbing.  A pretty flat ride to wrap up New Mexico.  I only burned 2,659 calories so will have to hold off a bit at dinner. But still a nice day for a ride, arriving in El Paso at 87 degrees.  Tomorrow will be the 2nd of 19 days to get across Texas.  


  1. Alan, I hope you get to see something of Texas since it is taking you 19 days to get across it. I didn't think it was that BIG!


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