Catalina to East Tucson

 Monday March 21st

So last night we went to bed with the promise of no more rain.  The clouds were clearing and we could see some stars.  The coyote gangs were quite active and making their presence known. Somewhere around 1:30 I awoke to raindrops on the tent, coming down pretty hard at times.  Then it would taper and start all over again. I was freezing in my sleeping bag, long underwear, additional liner etc so I put on my down jacket, the last resort.  It was tolerable and I slept on and off with the rain and wind against the tent. 

A double rainbow before sunset last night.  You could see all 4 ends. 

It snowed in the mountains last night. I told you it was cold. 

A very nice bike path thru Tucson. We went about 35 miles from campsite to our hotel all on the bike path

On the bike path. 

. Staying in a new Hampton Inn tonight. Now I remember why I never liked camping.   On the path today I noticed a dog,  but no owner or leash. A Coyote!  Stopped quickly and turned around to take a picture but he watched me and loped across the path and disappeared into the arroyo. Not a bad day for a ride, only 43 miles, 893 feet of climbing at an average speed of 13.7mph. Calories burned were 1,362. It was a relaxing day as tomorrow we head into the mountains ending at Tombstone. 


  1. What a beautiful double rainbow.. yeah I'm with you , never liked camping.. enjoying your daily recordings... safe travels! Stay warm! ili

  2. Great photos Al. I am enjoying the ride.


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