
The End of 2022 C2C

 Thursday May 12th The ride was truly a total success.  Only 2 flat tires, one  occurring the 2nd day in California, in front due to a stone sliver in the sidewall and the other was a piece of exploded truck tire wire in the rear on day 4 thanks to a long ride on the shoulder of I-8 on the way to Dateland AZ.   And I did require a rebuild of the freewheel hub in Kerrville TX, no fault of the bike, just a maintenance issue.  So my 12 year old Custom made Titanium Independent Fabrication Cyclo Cross bike performed flawlessly.  My French leather bicycle seat was very comfortable.  No complaints from my body while on the bike other than a restless feeling whenever the riding days went later than around 1:30 PM.  You can sit and pedal just so long every day. And having NO rain days almost made you forget that nearly constant head wind.  Our ride directions were provided by my Garmin GPS which was spot on for the entire route with just a few turn requests that didn't “fit” our route, and

Palatka FL to St Augustine Beach FL

 Monday May 2nd Sunrise in Palatka.  Woke up normal time, scheduled departure to St Augustine Beach is 9 AM.  We gathered in Old St Augustine for a lunch stop and waiting for our new jerseys to arrive via Fedx. I think Barb cut it a little close on our jersey delivery. Finally the package arrives. This is Barb, owner of Timberline, opening and distributing our jerseys.   The remainder of Coasters arriving for lunch.  We left “mostly” at the same time to go over the bridge to St Augustine Beach for photo sessions. Our group of Eight 2020 Covid Coasters, finally succeeding.   On the way to the beach, I was met by Martha who had driven up yesterday from our winter place in Estero FL. Yes, I got my front wheel wet in the Atlantic Ocean. The final salute.  Todays ride was 37 miles at an average speed of 14.5 mph, climbing 210 feet and burning 2,100 calories.  What a trip it has been from March 12th dipping our rear wheels into the Pacific Ocean in San Diego  until today May 2nd at the Atlan

Oleno State Park FL to Palatka FL

 Sunday May 1st Ann served tomato pie along with other entrees at our overnight in Tallahassee. They were good, it was sad to see her leave the tour that night.   I went to The Waffle House the next morning for breakfast.  Our “casual” tour provided breakfasts just didn't make the cut when you are faced with a long day in the saddle.  I didn't take any photos in Oleno State Park   It was a well shaded facility, but once again we are camping in some primitive spots with apparently a lot of ticks and Lyme Disease is endemic in Florida   Don't need that disease again!   So today we have our last significant ride, an 80 miler to take us close to the coast for our finish on Monday.  Quite a bit of apprehension among many of the Coasters.  A week without a break in riding starts showing up in our legs.  And its really the first time (leaving Tallahassee)  that I have had leg soreness for the first 10-20 miles of each ride.   The “A” team has more tire problems today   Its a good

Live Oak FL to Oleno State Park FL

 Sat Apr 30th Ride started at 8 AM   Looked like it would be light winds, Easterly and we will be headed East and South to reach our destination at Oleno State Park. It only took about 10 miles today for my legs to return to productive pedaling. Today was one of the more scenic backroad rides   Light traffic for most of the ride   The finish was approximately 10 miles on a paved trail that connected 2 state parks.  And finally we can start talking about NO rain encountered during this epic journey   Yes we had some downpours during nighttime or off days but other than a little drizzle one morning in Louisiana, I haven't gotten wet on the bike.   We can’t say the same about wind, but rain is far worse and much more dangerous. Two more rides in front of us.  Will we make it to St Augustine Beach  in dry conditions? Total  miles today were 55.4, at an average speed of 13.9 mph, climbing 820 feet and burning 1,779 calories.  A very pleasant day to ride.   Tomorrow is a long one with a

Tallahassee FL to Live Oak FL

 Friday Apr 29th Long ride today, part way through, John Corey fell on the top tube of his Carbon Fiber bike and the top tube cracked and partially shattered.  He happened to be next to an Ace Hardware so proceeded to go shopping.  Bought a few pieces of bar stock, epoxy and gorilla tape.  An hour later he has a presentable frame that rides ok.  A creative Doc thats for sure.  Rode successfully the final 30 miles and declared his repair a success. He will continue to ride this bike to St Augustine Beach on Monday   My start to the ride today was slow and legs were not happy.  The prior day riding into Tallahassee was extremely difficult for the last 15 miles.  It demonstrates the importance of an occasional rest day.  So today I would say that I wasn't feeling comfortable until 20 miles into the ride. At noon time, with 50 miles behind me, I arrived in Madison, and stopped at a Mexican Restaurant and dined outside next to my bike.  Didn't see any Coasters anywheres in that litt

Mariana FL to Tallahassee FL

 Thursday Apr 28 Last nights Campground was on a Bayou/Lake.  There were fisherman out there when I got up today at 5 AM.   We had a short stint on a Parkway that charged a fee for vehicles, but since that toll gate was unmanned it was free for bicycles.  I did keep my head down when going under that thing, so no photo of me. We are staying in a Quality Inn tonight, which just converted to a Red Roof Inn.  Each room has A/C, and a shower and toilet, amenities that we have missed for a long time.  Todays ride took a toll on most everyone, normal headwinds and dealing with several shoulder-less roads once we approached Tallahassee.  Today was probably the second most difficult ride, surpassed only by that day in Texas ending up at Seminole State Park in a dust-storm. And we are now back on Eastern Daylight Savings time. The last riders arrived as we were sitting down to dinner at 6 PM.  Mileage was 86 miles at an average speed of 13.5, climbing 2,705 feet and burned 3,354 calories.  

DeFuniak FL to Mariana FL

 Wed Apr 27th Yesterday evening as we walked to dinner it looked like the forecast was going to come true. And while eating inside the Park Clubhouse we had a very significant downpour but it only lasted about 20 minutes.  My tent was totally dry inside and we woke to clear skies this morning. The residents at the Park provided our dinner last night and breakfast this morning.  They underestimated food quantity last night but recovered well for breakfast.  At 7:30 we moved on towards our next destination.  Another day riding mostly on US Rt 90.  Moderate traffic and an ample smooth shoulder.  The “A” Team dealing with a flat tire.  We haven't had a lot of flats in the last few weeks.  It sure makes a difference when you aren't riding in Texas battling the Goat-heads, and also are no longer on the Interstates. Today we had variable light winds and a great road surface.  I managed 60 miles by noon as we arrived in Mariana still 8 miles from our Campsite.  Lunched with the “A” Tea